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The Bible Code Revealed
Huntley Clever
Appendix Special Feature:
The Rise and Decline
of Islam as Predicted in the Bible
The Cover
The Bible
code reveals Jesus who is the author of that code. It is fitting that the cover
honors Him with what may be the only surviving representation of Him.
According to the fourth century historian, Eusebius, there were several
First-century representations of Jesus,
he even saw one in color. Eusebius also writes that in his residence of
Caesarea, there was a life-sized bronze statue of Jesus with the “bleeding woman”
touching His garment.
The following picture just might be genuine.
It is purported to have been engraved by a contemporary of Jesus in the first
century. It was accompanied by the following text when we first saw it:
From the only
authentic likeness of our Savior cut on an emerald by command of Tiberius
Caesar, and given to Pope Innocent VIII from the treasury at Constantinople, by
the emperor of the Turks, for the ransom of his brother, then a captive of the
Knowing that such a representation could
possibly be historically documented at the Vatican, in 1986 I wrote a letter to
the Pontifical University of Rome. This is their response:
2 June, 1986
Mr. Clever, from my rector of the
University Fr. Navarrate I received your letter of March 23 of this year. On
your question I can answer as follows:
The emerald with the portrait of Christ
(similar to your foto) was given by the Sultan Bajazid II to the Pope Innocent
VIII (+ 1492). The Emerald disappeared probably with the sack of
Sincerely yours,
Fr. Heinrich Pfeiffer, S.J.
Universita Gregoriana
00187 Roma -
Piazza Della Pilotta, 4
Unless otherwise indicated, Bible
quotations are taken from the King James
Version of the Bible. Upper case (capitals), bold and italicized words
are added by the author for emphasis; and [bracketed] words are inserted in
quotations for clarification.
Copyright © 9/17/1998 (TX 4-865-501) and 2009 by Charles
Clever. All rights reserved.
The Bible Code Revealed
Wise Shall Understand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . .
Abomination of Desolation Throughout History . . . . . .
Mark of the Beast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Israel Save the World . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Happens When Jesus Comes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Daniel 12, King James
Version . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
God’s Law, Exodus
20:1-17 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The Rise and Decline of
Islam as Predicted in the Bible . . . . . . . . . .
I thank you, O Father, Lord of heaven and
earth, because you have hid these things from the wise and prudent, and have
revealed them to infants (Matthew 11:25).
The entire Bible is an encoded book with special
messages just awaiting those seeking deeper truths. For example, before it records a single
transgression against God’s sovereignty, it graphically reveals in the creation
narrative of Adam receiving his bride through a wound in his side, that Jesus,
the “last Adam”, would receive his bride
(the church) through His wounded (pierced) side (Hosea 2:19,20).
The place of the crucifixion
was identified about two thousand years before Jesus died when God provided
Abraham a substitute lamb to sacrifice on Mt. Moriah, later called Jerusalem
(Genesis 22:2; 2 Chronicles 3:1).
And the Messianic mission is pre-figured
by Moses lifting a bronze serpent, a symbol of sin to save the snake-bitten Israelites,
when Jesus was lifted on the cross and became “sin for us, who knew no sin;
that we might be made the righteousness of God in him” (1 Corinthians 5:21).
Likewise there are literal
Messianic prophecies such as Isaiah 9:6: “For unto us a child is born, unto us
a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name
shall be called ‘Wonderful, Counselor, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father,
the Prince of Peace.’”
The Bible also has numeric
codes that predict timed periods, like the exact day and year of the Messiah’s sacrificial
death, and the period of Islamic supremacy when about one-third of the
Christian Roman Empire fell to Muslims (discussed in the Appendix). Notwithstanding
these many predictions and symbols, God knew there would be “doubting Thomas’s
at the “end of the days” so He encoded one chapter—just one—especially for our
see, there are many among religious skeptics and devout believers who notice
disharmony in the Religious Community, especially among pious Jews, Christians, and Moslems. They profess to follow the
same God of Abraham, Isaac, and Ishmael, yet their varying interpretations of “The Book” may well approach the number
of grains of sand in the Sinai Desert. For these people, the Author of the
Bible code, the One who holds the entire universe in His grasp, plainly foresaw
that Satan would cause chaos among His followers through confusion and false
We would be concerned if Jesus
had not warned us in advance. He was the “prophet” promised in Deuteronomy
18:15 of whom God commanded: “You shall hear.” Jesus sent this warning: “For
there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall show great signs
and wonders; insomuch that, if [it were] possible, they shall deceive the very
elect” (Matthew 24:24).
The Apostle Peter correctly
predicted that “followers” would be “contaminated”: “There shall be false
teachers among you, who secretly shall bring in damnable heresies...” (2 Peter
2:1). And Paul also knew confusion would follow his departure and left
this message: “Also of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse
things, to draw away disciples after them” (Acts 20:30).
These predictions were soon to
fulfill; in fact, the early church of Ancyra in Galatia was disfellowshipped
because of pseudo-prophecy. While denigrating valid Bible teachings, some
members would fall into a kind of trance and unnatural ecstasy and “chatter and
talk nonsense” (Eusebius, The History of
the Church, Penguin Classics, 1989. pp 160-167).
Regardless of religious
irregularities, God patiently allowed obvious error and disharmony to exist
because He had a solution and it lays encoded on two obelisks, that is,
the monuments engraved with His ten-commandment law. It is used to reveal
another encoded message in the twelfth chapter of Daniel, “sealed” for over
2,500 years. Twice within that chapter Daniel is told these predictions were not to be understood until the close of
In verse four we read: “But
you, Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book until the time of the end...”—this
statement was followed with a mysterious number in verse seven. Then two
more encoded numbers appear after verse nine admonishes: “Go your way, Daniel,
for the words are closed up and sealed until the time of the end. ‘Many shall
be purified, made white, and refined, but the wicked shall do wickedly; and
none of the wicked shall understand, but the
wise shall understand.’”
The “Lord of the code” has patiently
waited until “the time of the end” to revive important truths essential for
“the wise.” That is what this book is about—it educates in these forgotten
truths and as one enlightened reader says: “Isn't it wonderful how God puts things
in the right perspective?”
Although providence allowed 30
years to pass before giving me precise timing of verse seven, the most
confusing part of Daniel 12 are the encoded 1290 and 1335 day prophecies of
verses 11 and 12. Failing to find a single scripture hidden somewhere in the King James Bible to “unlock” these
numbers, I began thorough readings of several different Bible translations from
“Genesis” to “Revelation.” This study revealed the encoded “key” by comparing
the creation account in God's law or Genesis with another scripture--this will
be explained in the first chapter, “The Bible Code Revealed.”
Since discovering the scriptural
"key", I have often been amazed how God could close Daniel 12 until
now to be unlocked so easily as earth approaches its demise. An important part
of the prediction authenticates Jesus as the enabling Sacrificial "lamb" for humanity. This truth is
increasingly ridiculed by agnostics and belittled by various religious
The essence of Bible truth tells of the fall and
degradation of earth by Adam's disobedience. Adam was God's appointed ruler,
and the only available solution to restore the unity of this lost planet with
God's perfect universe required the "LORD your God" to become a
man--assume human form as the "last Adam", live vicariously without
sin, and die an atoning death as man's substitute.
Through our first ruler's sin
separation from God and death passed to all men but through Christ's life and death, all of humanity, whether righteous or sinful, will live a second time—the non-compliant must then stand before
the judgment seat of God; they are not
held accountable for Adam’s transgression but for their own selfish ways (Daniel 12:2; 1 Corinthians 15:22; 2
Corinthians 5:10).
Christ accepted the punishment
for His faithful subjects and also gained the right to the dominion Adam
forfeited; “It will come to You, even the first
dominion” (Matthew 5:5: Micha 4:8).
That is the legality of God’s
dealing with transgression, but this offers no enabling remedy for our weakened and perverted nature that unfits
us for residency in heaven with holy beings. So, that same condemning law that
was inscribed on tables of stone is activated
as “The kingdom of God is within” and our immaculate
Creator reigns in our weakened psyche; His enabling
presence unites us once more with His dominion (which is the immaculate universe) and His imparted
righteousness enables us for future residency there (Jeremiah 31:33/Hebrews
8:10; Luke 17:21). For those seeking an increased understanding of God's plan
to redeem and restore our unity with God’s entire creation, and who need their
faith in the crucified Savior strengthened, Daniel 12 emphasizes Christ's enabling sacrifice for us.
It also confirms Jesus' warnings
concerning the Abomination of Desolation who first century Christians knew was
Why is this generation the only one allowed the privilege of
understanding these encoded prophecies? I wondered. This information
would have proven useful to strengthen faith as Christians faced Nero's lions.
And give credence to their
decision to escape and vacate their lands and dwellings during the brief period
of victory after the aborted siege by Rome and the temporary liberation of Jerusalem
in 66 A.D. And added a margin of comfort to those of independent mind and the
Reformers as their bodies throbbed with pain and terror in torture chambers or
from burning faggots piled at their feet.
This is all precisely true,
but you must understand that because
people were being persecuted by an "official" state religion
recognized by governing bodies, there was no doubt in their minds that Rome was
the Abomination of Desolation that the Bible warns about. This is not true of humanity today—we
either do not remember, are indifferent to what Rome did, or are ignorant of
the numerous Bible cautions.
It now appears to the unwary
that those episodes have passed into the archives of history and we are an
"enlightened generation." Rome
has apparently changed! we say, and this makes us extremely vulnerable to
future deceptions. This is exactly how Satan would have it and exactly in
accordance with his plan.
His divine providence, God knew that after the great tribulation of the
"Spiritual Dark Ages" (closing in 1798) humanity would eventually
forget the lessons learned from the Bible and history, and be charmed by overtures
of peace, love, forgiveness and kindness from the leadership of this
organization; therefore, God delayed the full understanding of Daniel 12 to
remind us that the last-day deceiver is
still the Abomination of Desolation of history. This should
encourage us to exercise caution and study significant
errors they introduced into Church doctrines.
The Bible plainly predicts that this deceiver will persecute God's
people again and hamper their ability to obey His ten-commandment law—this will
also be fully explained in this book.
I refrained from publishing
this information for over two decades hoping God would lay the burden on
others. With great reluctance it was published because of increased
advances by the unwary to integrate with this institution; yes, it is
imperative that this information be disclosed.
God has asked us to speak well of
dignitaries and respect and pray for our statesmen to make wise decisions as we
face perilous times that our world has never encountered (2 Peter 2:10; Jude
1:8). Our governments are "ordained of God...." and Christians should
be model citizens (Romans 13:1).
In the "New
Testament" God sets a standard of high integrity for church leadership and
they may legislate according to all “that I [Jesus] have commanded you”
(Matthew 28:20). However, Christians
were instructed to shun and criticize bigoted religious teachers "before
all, that others also may fear"; in fact, the apostle Paul called the High
Priest a "whited wall" (2 John 9:11; Romans 16:17; 1 Timothy
5:20; Acts 23:3).
Governing bodies are to be
respected even while erring and Jesus' disciples rejoiced because of injustices against them by the authorities
(Acts 5:41). When legislators err, they are still "God's ministers",
even when forcing obedience contrary to His law; God is merely using them to
test faithfulness while developing "the patience of the saints"
(Romans 13:1-6; Revelation 13:10; 14:12).
Christians must not resort
aggressively to grievances against lawful authorities. If by humbly refusing to
disobey the Bible tries your loyalty to God and subjects you to scorn, be aware
that heavenly agencies have already made provisions for God's faithful saints
who, like Jesus, peaceably face death rather than violate the superior
ten-commandment law of the great Yahweh.
It was not Moses, but God, that caused the destroying plagues on
idolatrous Egypt and delivered Israel from Paganism—His subjects merely
followed divine instructions instead of yielding to Pharaoh's demands. Had the
populace obeyed the priests and rulers who condemned Jesus, there would be no
Christianity today. Early Christians believed in the validity of God's
ten-commandment law which prohibits worship of emperors claiming divinity. These faithful subjects accepted death in the
Coliseum rather than offer the smallest quantity of incense to Caesar because
God said: "You shall have no other god's before Me" (Exodus 20:3).
As the Abomination of
Desolation and its accomplices coerce government leaders to legalize sin,
legislators must "not allow it to happen on their shift" like the
spineless Pontius Pilate or deluded Pharisees—they are, like you, culpable before the judgment seat of God for knowingly
breaking the supreme laws of Heaven.
God demands that His people
give precedence to His righteous commandments that safeguard His sovereignty: "We
ought to obey God rather than man"; and He pleads: Come out of her, my people, that you be not partakers of her sins, and
that you receive not of her plagues (Acts 5:29; Revelation 18:4). Obeying
God is of supreme importance, and this is another reason for publishing The Wise Shall Understand; for your
benefit it offers rational solutions and unmasks many of Satan's greatest
delusions that are portrayed as facts.
It is a misnomer to imply that
"I discovered the hidden code." True knowledge only comes from Him
who is infinite in wisdom and the revealer of secrets: "A man can receive
nothing, except it is given him from heaven", it is revealed to “infants” (Matthew
11:25; John 3:27). This principle also applies to you: "See all
this; and will you not declare it? I have showed you new things from this time,
even hidden things, and you did not know them" (Isaiah 48:6).
A Gospel minister in Canada
was searching for a greater understanding of the Bible. His letter of
appreciation concerning the hidden code says:
May God bless you for making this information available to me. I would never
have dreamed I could learn so much about the Bible and now I know the message
God would have me give to those He has entrusted to my care.
To either discover or understand
spiritual truths requires your cooperation--a deep soul
searching. Jesus said: "If any person wants to obey God, he will know of the
truth, whether it is of God or if I speak my own words" (John 7:17,
paraphrased). Are you willing to surrender complete control of your life
to the Omnipotent One regardless of intimidation by others? Then and only then
will God's Holy Spirit give to you discernment, and He, who suffered the
greatest agony in your behalf, will never fail you!
For these
reasons, to properly understand and refresh your memory of those prophecies,
you must first take several minutes to pray and read the thirteen verses of
Daniel 12—they are listed in the Appendix.
As you read, do not be
discouraged as you will probably not understand much of Daniel's writings at
this time but they will be clearer as you study this book. Then you will see
that Charles Huntley Clever has not created something new; instead, Daniel 12
has stimulated a deeper search for long-forgotten truths; then you, too, can
read the Bible with understanding and
say: "Isn't it wonderful how God puts things in its right
Wise Shall Understand
Bible Code Revealed
Chapter One
As you will soon see, the plan of redemption and restoration
of earth is revealed in the Daniel-twelve code--from Eden fallen to Eden
restored--in a prophecy that was closed until the end of time. Daniel humbly
said: "Although I heard, I did not understand...." The angel replied:
"Go your way, Daniel, for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end.... None of the wicked
will understand, but the wise shall
understand" (vs. 9, 10).
After reading this chapter, you should realize why many
historical expositors of Daniel 12 failed in unlocking its code. They did the
best they could with an encoded message that was not to be completely "unsealed" until God chose.
Therefore, they usually
applied the one-day-equals-one-year "key" of Ezekiel 4:6 and Numbers
14:34--an effective tool when computing chronological-timed prophecies (These will
be discussed in other chapters). Applying that tool may give one an element of
success, but may actually cause confusion with Daniel 12 because the resulting
long periods of historical time force scholars to only assign the numeric
periods to medieval history. Others speculate on future events. In this they,
too, will miss the encoded application necessary to unfold Daniel 12.
In addition, please understand
that without dispute, Daniel was authored over 500 years before Christ's
birth--many portions of manuscript have been found in what we now call The Dead Sea Scrolls that are dated
before the Christian dispensation. This means that only an omnipotent God could
foretell through Daniel 12 some events that would later become part of our
known history.
It is not wise to set dates for
Christ's return--we must "watch and be ready." Jesus said that only
His Father knew the day or hour; yet, the Scriptures plainly state: "At
the time appointed, the end shall be" (Daniel 8:19).
Even though Daniel 12 does not
teach the exact date of Christ's
return, it denotes long suppressed epochs--established times and seasons for
important events (Acts 1:7). Some touch the time of Christ as the apostle Paul
notes: "But when the fullness of
the time had come, God sent forth His
son..." (Galatians 4:4). This strengthens one's belief in Jesus, the
suffering Messiah described in Isaiah 53 seven-hundred years before He become
the sacrificial "Lamb" slain for our sins.
The unfolding of the Daniel-12
code only requires knowledge of elementary mathematics and some Bible
background. It is so simple that you will wonder how God concealed it until our
day; even children can understand it.
Satan is well able to lessen
your comprehension--perhaps you are pressured or distracted at this time.
Please turn off the television or move to a quiet place to study; or better
yet, read this with your family to allow better comprehension. And more important
than this, take time to pray and make certain you have read Daniel
12 (Appendix) before continuing this
in the early 1970s I was attempting to receive greater understanding of the
scriptures by consecutively reading different translations of the Bible from cover to cover. Perhaps, I thought, different wordings may give insight in finding the code.
Sensing that popular
church teachings include tenants of mythology and human philosophy, I boldly
asked God to be my mentor. Newly baptized and having never read the entire Bible,
I was free from the contaminating influence of church tradition and the
intimidation of church superiors or denominational payroll. This allowed a
pact with God that if He would be my instructor, I would never teach an untruth to support church doctrines; "Show
me," I pled, "I will never place my trust in man."
Such prayers are exactly
what God desires because His Guide Book does not have hidden motives or yield
to coercion when humbly studied in its entirety: "If any of you lack
wisdom, let him ask of God. . .";
"Thus says the LORD: Cursed is the man that trusts in man, and makes flesh
his strength, and whose heart departs from the LORD"; "It is better
to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man"; "You shall
not add to the word which I command you, neither shall you diminish from it,
that you may keep the commandments of the LORD your God which I command
you"; "Do not add to His words, lest he reprove you, and you are
found a liar" (James 1:5; Jeremiah 17:5; Psalms 118:8; Deuteronomy 4:2;
Proverbs 30:6).
God's Word sanctions the unity and stability that Church fellowship and organization
affords, church leadership is bound to Christ's commission to His disciples:
"Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you"; in other words, one must avoid
interpreting the Bible "to their own destruction" by explaining
Scripture according to Christ's teachings (Matthew 28:20; 2 Peter 3:16).
Although the Bible authorizes
the training and ordination of church leadership, the writings of God's
prophets (including Jesus) are readily available and must be humbly studied in
their entirety and remain your primary guide because the scriptures define sin
and offer no alibis for transgression (Matthew 10:41; James 1:5,6; Titus 1:5).
God has ordained that His Word
be readily available and accepts no excuses from those neglecting its study. It
is literally "God breathed": "All Scripture is inspired
[breathed] by God and is profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction,
for training in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly
furnished unto all good works" (II Timothy 3:16,17).
In the future we must
individually answer to the One who can never
be intimidated or bribed--"every one of us shall give account of himself
to God” and to be saved you must "hunger and thirst after righteousness
[right-doing]" remembering that your weakness and great need makes you
strong in God's omnipotence (Romans 14:12; Matthew 5:6; 2 Corinthians
Only by reading the entire Bible can it be correctly
interpreted, by studying "line upon line" (Isaiah 28:10).
For example, when comparing
the Bible with First Corinthians 15,
that chapter speaks strongly of, and proves to skeptics, the validity of Christ's resurrection from the grave. Knowing
this, you would interpret Paul's thought-provoking question in verse 29
correctly: "Why are they [who do not believe in Christ's resurrection]
then baptized for [Jesus] the dead [Savior]....?"; instead of, "Why
are they then baptized for their [deceased friends and relatives]....", a
practice lacking biblical precedence.
After completing several different translations, I purchased a Jewish Bible called The Holy Scriptures. It is a quality work published by the Jewish Publication Society of America, and has no "New Testament." It was soon discovered that something obvious had been overlooked while reading other translations.
interpretations of Daniel 12 were incomplete--there had to be an obscure, yet undiscovered, scriptural "key"
to give greater emphasis to these encoded verses that were sealed for
centuries. Perhaps there is an error in
translation, I thought, while struggling with these "sealed"
numbers but an error was not possible because all the manuscripts I checked contain the same numbers--even the Greek Septuagint; this translation
was popular in Christ's day.
Since we are now living near
the "time of the end", the Bible was primarily searched for
latter-day predictions and an understanding of the Daniel 12 code. God is
faithful to answer prayer; and as you would expect, He gave the correct
"key" to solve the puzzle. Now, let us study the "key."
You may recall that the fourth
commandment of God's law, as well as the first chapter of Genesis, tells us
that God created the heavens and earth in SIX literal days: "And God saw
every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening
and the morning were the SIXTH day" (Exodus 20:8-11; Genesis 1:31).
And "So the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of
them" (Genesis. 2:1).
By comparing these creation
narratives with Genesis 2:4, we find an apparent contradiction: "These are
the generations of the heaven and of
the earth when they were created, in THE DAY (Hebrew, yom, means one day) that
the Lord God made earth and heaven." God tells us He created and finished the heavens and earth in SIX
DAYS yet please notice that God calls that SIX-DAY unit of time "THE DAY" (Genesis 2:4).
Daniel 12 verse 11 reads:
"And from the time that the daily [sacrifice] is taken away, and the
abomination of desolation is set up, [there shall be] one thousand two hundred and ninety days." Wondering if a
one-day-equals-six-day "key" could unlock the encoded number, 1290
was multiplied by SIX. This totaled 7740 (6 X 1290 = 7740).
a math background from the study of electronics, numerical repetition in the Bible
had caught my attention. And now, 7740--suddenly some familiar integers
appeared. At that moment I did not know what 7740 meant but knew that God had
finally revealed the "key" because sevens and forties predominate
throughout Scripture. For example, the seven-day week, seven-year jubilee and
the seven plagues. . .; and you may recall the 40 days of Noah's rain, Moses'
40 days on Sinai, Israel's 40 years in the wilderness, 40-day fast of Jesus, etceteras.
you, too, have noticed the repetition of these noble numbers and wondered: Why did God put them there. The answer
is simple: God is obviously a mathematician and is trying to tell us something
throughout the Bible to substantiate His "end of time" revelation of
the hidden code--something concealed from the view of superficial readers. Scriptures
indicate that somehow 7740 will identify the point in history when the
"daily" (sacrifices offered by earthly priests) is taken away and the
abomination that makes desolate
established. Therefore, continue to study the Scriptures with me to find its
Once discovered, I realized that the
subliminal message encoded in the Bible is quite astounding. And this was about
25 years before Bible decoders, using computerized equal-skip programs,
discovered that another encoded message
could be found in God's law.
God wants us to study His
Word; He even commanded its public display (Deuteronomy 27:2,8). In any
language His Bible reveals simple truths like the Daniel 12 code and the
identity of its Author that may not
be learned by complex computer analysis. And once you discover who the Author
of the code is, it should encourage you to study the literal text of His
magnificent book, the Holy Bible (John
The SIX-day code is engraved by God
in the fourth of His eternal ten-commandment law (Exodus 20:8-11). One
researcher, Michael Drosnin, tells of his quest to find another code in his
second edition, Bible Code II--Countdown
to Armageddon (In that volume he meticulously refutes accusations of word
manipulation). His book says another code
can be found by opening two obelisks or monuments of sapphire and lime stone
which are written in language mankind can easily understand.
Those who have studied the
Bible know God first engraved His 10-commandment law on two obelisks
(monuments) and wrote them again on the stones Moses prepared.
Although some archaeologists
plan excavations of Palestine in search of the obelisks, this is not necessary
because they are easily found in your Bible as you open God's monuments to His great law. It is His gift to mankind
and is preceded with: "I am the LORD your God..." and continues:
"You shall have no other gods before Me..." (Exodus 20: 2-17).
Drosnin's research tells how
the code on two obelisks reveals the Creator's identity, the One who designed
our DNA which He gave as an inheritance for mankind. Truly, God is the author
of the complex genetic DNA spiral with Adam being our “original template or
model.” Those reading Drosnin's Bible
Code II, published by Viking Penguin in 2002, especially around pages 152
and 153, will see the connection between our Creator and the Daniel 12 code.
The obelisks are only fulfilled
through love--God's law replaces about 35,000,000 man-made ordinances and the
"Sabbath commandment" is the only part of his law that contains the
imbedded code because it alone identifies the great "I AM" as our
Creator. The LORD is also our law-giver who engraved these words in stone
two times: "For in SIX days the
LORD made the heavens and the earth,
the sea, and all that is in them..." (Exodus 20:11). And that
same God is the eternal Author of not only our universe but that imbedded code
that enhances our understanding of His great plan at the “time of the end”
(Daniel 12:4, 9; Drosnin, pp 25,
31-36; 78).
Now, let us decipher the
meaning of the 7740 in our mathematical calculation. It will prove a
humbling experience as you learn the awesome identity of the LORD of the code:
"All things [including the Bible code] were made by Him; and without Him
was not anything made that was made" (John 1:3).
Then, realize the Majestic
Creator's great mission: He became the ultimate sacrifice when the Lord your
God offered His life for you. This was the only remedy after sin entered His immaculate
universe. And unlocking the Daniel 12 code will certainly clarify your
understanding of His great plan to restore harmony to His immense domain.
Christians have an advantage over skeptics
in "unlocking" the code because they know the significance of the
first century--they discern that through the blood Jesus shed from His side at
Calvary, the symbolic-sacrificial-system of the "Old Testament" met
fulfillment; that the temple curtain was torn from top to bottom symbolizing
God's departure, and He allowed the Roman soldiers to destroy His temple and
sell His people on the world slave market.
refer to the third chapter of Luke and count generations, starting with God the
Father, and count straight through Christ's genealogical lineage that ends with
God's Son, Jesus (The physician Luke knew Joseph was not Jesus' real
father, so many believe he traces the blood lineage through Mary), you will see
there are exactly 77 generations, the first part of our encoded number.
There is another way to
calculate this number that may be important because there is a figurative
connection between Enoch and Jesus as both
were taken to heaven. Count generations from Adam to Enoch of whom it was
written: "Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him"
(Genesis 5:24). "And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied..." (Jude 1:14). As recorded, we
know that there are seven
generations. Now, using the Hebrew method of counting that includes both the
first and last unit (see an example in Matthew 1:17), from Enoch to Jesus,
there are seventy more generations.
Jesus also "walked with God... [and] God took Him." Seven
generations, plus 70 more, reaches to Christ, again, the number 77.
That encoded number reaches to
the promised offspring of Adam whose heel would be bruised (it was pierced),
and who would bruise the serpent's head (Genesis 3:15). Interestingly,
archaeological findings show that some criminals were crucified with the spike
driven through their heel; also, as you read you will learn that Satan's head
wound will ultimately be fatal.
In the Bible God uses sevens and forties separately, therefore we will use
them individually in interpreting the 7740. Following this logic, let us study
the 40 of our factored number. God also uses the word "generation"
for both genealogical lineage and 100-year periods.
Although there are theories of evolutionary sequencing that
traverse millions of years, to uncover the timing of the Bible,
chronologists combine Biblical history with known world events to estimate the
"in the beginning" of creation (Genesis 1:1).
Considering a generation
one-century, there are 40 centuries (4,000 years) from the divine creation of
Adam to the Divine Embryo created in Mary's uterus nine months before His
birth. A popular figure for Jesus' birth is 03 B.C.; Jesus' humanity
really began in the preceding Jewish year as a living embryo in Mary's
womb. This was shortly before John the Baptist, in uterus six months,
recognized the Messiah's embryonic presence and leaped in his mother's womb
(Luke 1:41-44).
We might simplify Jesus' humanity by
suggesting that God implanted His Son as a Y chromosome in the X chromosomes of
Mary's artificially fertilized womb. Virgin births, although uncommon, are not
impossible today in surrogate mothers but they are not of divine origin.
Using negative numbers
for B.C., and the popular date of 4004 B.C. for the creation of Genesis,
Christ's conception may be expressed mathematically as: - 4004 B.C. +
4000 years = - 04 B.C.; this is 40 centuries to the year of Jesus' humanity.
Although hard to understand,
Christ's humanity is called the "mystery of godliness", when God
identified himself with us by becoming a human fetus, suffered the trauma of
childbirth, and thirty-three and one-half years of misunderstanding and abuse
by those He loved enough to experience death for (1 Timothy 3:16).
Also, we will detail later
that another application of 40 centuries is when Jesus, our Creator in human
form, faced the wilderness temptations of Satan and was victorious 40 centuries
after Adam succumbed to temptation
and failed.
In addition, count Matthew's patriarchal genealogy through Joseph and
recorded in Matthew 1:1-16. Starting with the divinely-promised birth of Isaac,
the offspring of the aged Abraham and Sarah: "And in your seed
[offspring] shall all the nations of the earth be blessed; because you have
obeyed my voice" (See Genesis 22:18; and Galatians 3:16), to its accomplishment
in the divinely conceived Jesus, the "Son of David", there are 40
genealogical generations; that is, forty
generations from the son of Abraham to the Son of God (many believe Matthew
traces Jesus' "patriarchal" lineage).
The Daniel 12 prophecy says the wicked will not understand;
therefore, it is expected that many will ridicule these most sacred revelations
and distort my logic as they "trample under their feet..." these
simple yet significant truths "and rip" (belittle) me (Matthew
7:6). Please give God's Word a chance and continue to read: The Bible is a marvelous
revelation of Christ, the anticipated Messiah. All that is actually required to
open the SIX-day code is 77 generations from God the Creator to God the
Redeemer and 40 centuries (generations)
from the first Adam to, you might say, the second, unfallen Adam, the prophesied Savior and Messiah born about 2,000
years ago (Jesus is called "the last Adam" in 1 Corinthians 15: 45).
So the numeric prophecy of Daniel 12:11
factored to 7740 does not merely
point to a specific date in future or medieval history; instead, it illuminates
the first century. That is the most
incredible event of eternity, when the "LORD of the code", Christ the
Messiah, would come to save this doomed world through His death as our
There are several religions
that wrongly classify Jesus as merely a faithful apostle or prophet. One
alleged prophetess says He actually remained alive in the grave. And a
popular religious book revered by many people around the world implies that they did not kill him, nor did they crucify
him, but they thought they did. It further states there is no trinity, that
God is but one God and denies that He could have a Son because His Heavenly
Father would have saved Him; yet the Mighty God must not interfere: He gave His son as a sacrificial lamb for
the slaughter; and must allow Jesus to perish, otherwise none would be
saved (John 3:16).
The accuracy of the Old and
New Testaments are well established by extant manuscripts and God's plan to
redeem mankind is confirmed throughout the Bible.
Now, unfolding the SIX-day code at the "end of the days" becomes one
more significant discovery to validate Christ's mission with even greater emphasis.
Another prophecy predicting Christ's
death is found in Daniel 9:27. This Messianic prophecy of the "Messiah the
Prince" is greatly misunderstood and often erroneously applied to a future
date, individual, and event. Now that the SIX-day code is revealed we know with
certainty that it applied to Christ's great sacrifice for mankind because:
"the daily" mentioned in the 1290-day prophecy is "taken
away" at the cross when "He [Jesus] shall bring an end to sacrifice and offering" (Daniel 9:27 quoted).
That pronoun "He" in
that verse refers to Jesus, the Messiah--not
to a future "antichrist" as falsely presented from many
publications and pulpits today; because, the antecedent, the "Messiah the
Prince" (verses 25 and 26) who would be "cut off [killed] but not for
Himself", is Jesus the Son
(Prince) of God who was slain for us.
Many witnesses saw Jesus' empty grave; to silence their testimony the
embarrassed priests paid large sums to the Roman guards to say He was stolen
from them--the truth is, Jesus is rise,
and forever intercedes for us in heaven (Matthew 28:12,13; Hebrews
embellishes Christ's mission in his epistle to the Hebrews noting that the Jewish
priests offered an imperfect
sacrifice "daily"; but now, "we have [Jesus,] such a High
Priest, who is seated at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the
heavens, a Minister of the sanctuary and of the true tabernacle [in Heaven]
which the Lord erected, and not man" (Hebrews 7:27; 8:1, 2).
Our heavenly Father's Son,
"Michael, Prince Emmanuel", meaning "like God", or
"God with us", became "the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of
the world" (see Isaiah 7:14; 53:10; John 1:29). This means that Jesus (Joshua/Yeshiva in Hebrew
meaning "God saves") abolished the Levitical daily-sacrificial-system
by offering Himself as a ransom for mankind. Therefore, the old, or temporary
Levitical covenant established with Moses is terminated and we now operate
under the "original and eternal covenant"--the apostle Paul and King
David call it "the order of Melchizedek.” It was God speaking through
David and says: "You will be a priest forever
according to the order of Melchizedek" (Psalms 110:4; Hebrews 4-7).
Under a religious system in effect
before Abram was called of God, there was a king
and priest of the Most High called Melchizedek. Abraham paid tithes
to him and Melchizedek asked God's blessing upon Abraham (Genesis 14:18-20).
Melchizedek's dual-system of government modeled the perpetual legal system
where God rules the universe from eternity and forever. Jesus is the
Supreme Prime Minister who "continues endlessly"--He heads the
eternal and "unchangeable priesthood" as King, High Priest, and God ;
that is, church and state combined under one impeccable leadership (Hebrews
every creature which is in heaven, and on the earth, and under the earth, and
such as are in the sea, and all that are in them, heard I [John] saying, Blessing, and honor, and glory, and power [belong]
unto him that sits upon the throne, and
unto the Lamb forever and ever" (Revelation 5:3).
Jesus, our "unfallen
ruler", must accept our punishment and die for humanity and by that
sacrificial death, the atypical sacrificial system of the Old Testament with
human priests found complete fulfillment when the "shadow" met its
"substance." No longer must we sacrifice animals for the remission
for sins.
The LORD God offered the first and last blood sacrifices for us. The first sacrifice in Eden clothed
Adam and Eve with animal skins to cover their nakedness (Genesis 3:21). That
act symbolized the last sacrifice at
Calvary, when Jesus offered Himself a ransom for your "past sins"
(Romans 3: 24-26, Numbers 15:24-36).
At the instant Jesus died on
the cross the "daily" ministry by Jewish priests, who "perpetually"
offered sacrifices in our behalf, was "taken away", or abolished
(Daniel 9:27; Hebrews 7:27); but there is more. The Daniel 12 code also reveals
another important truth: At that time of history (7740) the prophecy not only
indicates the "daily is taken away," but that "the abomination of desolation is set up [i.e., established]" (Daniel
12: 11).
Jesus warned His disciples to flee
Jerusalem "When you therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand
in the holy place..." (Matthew 24:15; Mark 13:14). A similar description
is found in Luke, chapter 21: "And when you shall see
At the time of Christ, the
Abomination of Desolation initially referred to Imperial Rome. Previously
At the time of Christ,
Imperial Rome made a transition from a protective government supporting Judaism
(That temple's restoration with Roman assistance was called "Herod's Temple")
to one that would persecute God's people and later continued this abuse under
such titles as "The Holy Roman Empire" ruled by Papal authority. According to the Bible, this system will ultimately be destroyed by fire under the
fifth plague (Daniel 7:11, 12; Revelation 16:10). The next chapter is devoted
to this most significant topic.
Are you beginning to
understand the importance of properly understanding the Daniel 12 code?
Although some consider "Revelation" a sealed book, its mysteries
helped Christians understand and endure their great trials throughout history;
however, Daniel 12 is the only
chapter the Bible says is closed
until our day; God concealed this prophecy until the "end of the
days" to not only warn us and help us correctly understand Christ's
mission but to allow greater understanding for those facing unimaginable trials
as this period of history closes.
It was through God's providence that
Jesus controlled the elements, walked on water, healed disease, raised the
dead, and performed other miracles in the presence of skeptics. Those acts of
creative power proved Jesus’ divine origin and authenticated His mission, yet
the prideful and self-sufficient attributed them to natural causes, satanic
delusion, or trickery; thus, they rejected Christ's ultimate proof of His
divine origin and redemptive mission--these attitudes sealed their doom (Matthew
Likewise, there is a class of
people whose senses are thrilled by esters of fragrance emitting from the most beautiful
flowers, who gaze in wonder at the amazing design of splendid creatures like
the peacock, and contemplate the metamorphose that allows stiffening catalysts to
solidify within the wings of the intricately painted butterfly, yet they do not
realize these mysteries are speaking of the Master Craftsman's skill and
immense love for humanity.
This same class may also think
the wonderful revelations of the Bible and mathematical repetitions of the
hidden code are clever manipulations
or insignificant. They, too, are rejecting God's revelation to a lost world and
are scorning the final appeal of heaven to mankind. For this reason I urge each
reader to contemplate the significance of the Daniel-12 code. It is unfolded
for your benefit, to add emphasis to
neglected truths. Satan despises this message yet it is essential to prepare us
for his final assaults; please do not underestimate the significance of God's
last-day revelation.
1335 DAYS (8010)
By unlocking the first part of the
code we see that the 7740 applied to the first century and illuminated God's
plan of redemption. It should now be obvious
that the number 7740 and many of the other sevens and forties in the Bible pointed forward to one
event--God's great atonement to save us, the one rebellious planet in His vast
creation, but what about the other number? It is actually quite easy to discern
and illuminates God's plan of restoration--the
final end of the conflict between good and evil. This will close the celestial
controversy and terminate Lucifer's experiment with sin.
"Blessed is he who WAITS, and
comes to the 1335 days" (Daniel 12:12). The word "blessed" recalls to our
memory the eleven "blessings" of Christ's sermon on the mountain (Matthew
5:1-12). And especially the third one that foretells of the restoration of
Eden: "Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth" (verse
That blessing forecasts the
most significant time in the eons of God's eternity when the controversy
between good and evil is finished, we "come to the [blessings of the] 1335
days", and when "all these things shall be finished" (Daniel
12:12,7). Multiplying 1335 by our SIX-day code totals 8010 (1335 X
6 = 8010), another encrypted number.
Remember, in unfolding Daniel
12 we are dealing with 100-year generations or centuries. Therefore, the
eightieth 100-year generation (80th century, or eighth millennium) from the fall of man in
Now let us discuss the TEN of the
factored number, 8010. Please note that there are ten (10) generations from
Adam to Noah--the one ransomed from among the destroyed generation. This number signifies the redeemed from
planet earth. You can understand this when you see that the tenth (or
tithe) has always represented God's portion--that which He has reserved for
Himself. And in Isaiah 6:13 we are told that He will "not make a full end,
but a tenth will return... the Holy
Seed" (Scripture uses "seed" to denote descendants).
The Bible often symbolizes the resurrection of the saints to heaven as
harvesting; for example, Jesus said: "The harvest is the end of the world;
and the reapers are the angels" (Matthew 13:39; Revelation 14:14-16). So,
the tenth of the harvest, or tithe that was returned to God is really pointing
to the ten-percent (a figurative number) of God's seed (children) harvested
(resurrected) and who will literally "inherit the earth."
thought for your consideration is, for us, the "end of the days"
generation that watches the closing conflict on earth, there will be ten
generations (centuries), or 1,000 more years to the rebirth of Eden and the
beginning of our new eternity; yes, it will be worth the WAIT.
One-thousand years after the
saints are resurrected to heaven, the redeemed, those who have WAITED for the
fulfillment of God's promises will return, they "shall inherit the earth;
and shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace" (Psalms 37:11;
Matthew. 5:5).
Truly this is the culmination
of the work of redemption--the restoration and repopulating of earth to God's
original design--when the peace and perfection of Eden is renewed:
"Blessed is he who WAITS, and comes to the 1335 days [8010]" (Daniel
12:12). This, too, will be explained in greater detail in other chapters.
Most Bible scholars apply the italicized "there shall be" in the rendering of Daniel twelve in the
K.J.V. Bible, verse eleven, to
centuries, days, or years, but these words are
not in the original manuscripts, but were added by translators.
By searching libraries and the
Internet, you will also find many modern scholars looking for significant
starting points to unlock Daniel 12. They juggle dates to reach their different
conclusions, but this is speculative because Daniel 12 actually has no starting or ending times for the 1290
or 1335 days--they are just integers (whole numbers) waiting to be deciphered. That is exactly as God would
have it because these numbers give greater end-time understanding when God's
"six-day creation code" is understood. And by accepting this,
you will see the ultimate applications necessary to understand the significant
message of the Daniel 12 code: The identity of the Abomination of Desolation,
that Jesus is really the Messiah who superseded the "daily" evening
and morning sacrifices of the Jewish priesthood, and the ultimate time when the
paradise of Eden is restored and the conflict between good and evil ends.
is as if Daniel 12 is God's last plea for humanity to remember His ultimate plan
and blessings for us, while encouraging our study of His Word to prepare us for
future falsehoods; yes, we will be talking about this in other chapters.
Did you notice that I previously
emphasized WAITS by capitalization? We humans have always exhibited impatience,
especially when it comes to God's promises.
Jesus was asked by his anxious
disciples: "Are you to set up the kingdom at this time" (Acts1:6)?
Even John the Baptist grew tired of WAITING in prison and sent his disciples to
ask Jesus: "Are you the one, or are we to look for another?” (Luke 7:10). WAITING is not our best talent; yet the
prophecy says, "Blessed is he who WAITS."
There are numerous prophecies in the
Bible of the total destruction of earth with the elements melting with fervent
heat, atmosphere dissolving, and no living person left alive. In spite of the
redundancy of doom and gloom, we are like the disciples who were discouraged by
their Master's crucifixion--they had hoped for a restored visible kingdom in
Solomon's splendor.
The majority of Christian
denominations now expect the world to be restored in our day and for Christ's
earthly 1,000-year reign, but we are told to WAIT until the 80th
century--"Blessed is he who WAITS, and attains to the 8010" (Daniel 12:12).
"spiritualize" or rationalize away these texts showing the impending
destruction of earth. Their goal is the same; they make it appear that the Messiah
is soon to establish His kingdom on earth for 1,000 years. They, too, choose
not to WAIT. By not WAITING, they will be ripe for deception when "he
himself [Satan] sits in the temple of God, showing himself to be God" (2
Thessalonians 2:1-12).
Jesus will actually rescue us from this destroyed planet
when we are caught up in the CLOUDS to meet him in the AIR and go to the
mansion prepared for us (see 1 Thessalonians 4:17 and John 14:1-4).
Daniel was also told to WAIT:
"But you, go your way till the end [your death]: for you shall rest [in
the grave] and will arise to your inheritance [in the resurrection of the
righteous] at the end of the days" (Daniel 12:13).
This subject is also covered
in greater detail in another chapter. For now, remember that there is wisdom in
anticipating the resurrection, WAITING for the restoration of earth, and Christ's
literal earthly reign at the beginning of the 8th millennium.
can understand when the ultimate "end of the days" is--when everything
is finished--by studying the answer to one angel's question: "How long
shall the fulfillment of these wonders be?" (Daniel 12:6).
The angel Gabriel had
previously given an outline of world history occupying more than two chapters
of Daniel. The historical sketch closes with the submission of "Egypt;
also the Libyans and Ethiopians (now Sudan)..." Once predominately
Christian nations, they have submitted to the teachings of Mohammed; and have
planted a "palace [Golden Mosque] between the seas and the glorious holy
mountain [Jerusalem]."
Today, most of the land God
gave Israel is occupied by others, and all of Daniel's historical prophecies
have fulfilled; except, "he shall come to his end [Armageddon], and no one
will help him" (Daniel 11:43-45).
The chapter "Will Israel
Save the World?" discusses how Moslems conquered Christian and Jewish
nations and their roles when, after Lucifer’s brief reign, he is destroyed in
the battle of Armageddon. For now, please note that the angel Gabriel says that
two more events comprise the prophecy: "time, times and a half-time"
and "the power of the holy people shall be completely shattered"
(Daniel 12:7). Gabriel emphasizes that those events conclude his prophecies by
saying: "all these things [all
of his previously-stated predictions] shall be finished" (Ibid.).
Most Bible scholars recognize the timed declaration as one-half of the
number seven, where time (singular
for one) plus times (plural for two)
and one-half time added together
equals three and one-half (1 + 2 + ½ = 3½).
To understand this number, you
must discover a few additional facts: Please recall that God's
eternal Ten-Commandment law mentions His six days of creation plus one day of
rest. Using that Law as a model, you will observe that several other
combinations of six plus one equals seven
are mentioned in the Bible, such as
Leviticus 25:3 where the Hebrews were commanded to till the soil for six years,
then allow it to remain fallow during the seventh (symbolizing our future Sabbath
rest, the earth being un-worked during the seventh millennium). Also, Daniel was
familiar with "seven times" as Nebuchadnezzar became insane under a
sentence of seven times (Daniel 4).
You may also remember that Christ
nobly entered Jerusalem on "Palm Sunday" and culminated His six-day
redemptive week by resting in the tomb on the Sabbath, the seventh day. Another factor to consider is that
symbolically we can stretch one day as Peter does: "But, beloved, be not
ignorant of this one thing, that one day [is] with the Lord as a thousand
years, and a thousand years as one day" (2 Peter 3:8). And a thousand year
period is mentioned six times, once in each verse of Revelation 20:2 thorough
Chronologists like the Irish
Bishop, James Ussher, established creation at about October 23, 4004 B.C. Dating from the fall of man to the restoration of earth (still 1,000 years in the
future) there is 7,000 years. What does
all this mean?
Daniel's life under
Persian rule was located in the approximate
one-half thousand years from creation to Daniel's era, and after this
period, another three and one-half
millenniums (times) from Daniel to the end of the seventh millennium (or
beginning of the 8th millennium). This is about 1,000 years in the future when
"all these things shall be finished" (Daniel 12:7).
Because God uses round numbers in
Acts 7:6 and Genesis 15:13-16, compared with Galatians 3:17 and Exodus
12:40,41, I was content with the approximate
figures, but continued to search for the precise beginning and end of the time,
times and half time prophecy that "concludes everything."
For several years, B.C. 474
appeared repeatedly in my calculations* displaying the central year of the
7,000-year controversy on earth and the "boundaries" established by
God. Research was hampered while in the mission field and away from our
home library; then, on August 30, 2004, while studying significant dates in the
lengthy introduction to "Esther" in my wife's research Bible, the correct application for that
year was providentially discovered. The Bible
records a universal death decree that
fulfills the heavenly messenger's declaration: "The power of the holy people shall be completely shattered" (Hebrew, naphats:
shattered, broken, scattered; Acts 17:6; Daniel 12:7). The wording does not
suggest the "holy people will be
annihilated, but their "power" will be lost.
This happened about 60 years after Daniel's vision when God's
"holy people", "all the Jews, both young and old...", faced
a universal-death-law on Adar 13 of King Ahasuerus' twelfth year (April 17,
B.C. 474). That year the ignoble Haman forced a decree to completely exterminate
the Jews throughout the 2,000,000 miles square (5,179,000 KM) Persian Empire,
extending from
following chart shows that Haman's decree marks that significant point in the center of the 7,000 year conflict
between the forces of good and evil on
earth, dating from Adam's
temptation** to the re-creation of earth; also, B.C. 474 affirms the date
of Adam's "fall", and that date correlates remarkably with the forty centuries to the year A.D. 27 when
John the Baptist began his ministry and baptized Jesus; that year was the
"last Adam's temptation and victory over Satan's enticements.
30 yrs. = |
3,500 years = |
17, 474 B.C. |
500 years = |
3,000 years = |
474 B.C. |
B.C. |
30 yrs. = |
B.C. |
3,500 |
+ |
years |
= |
A.D. |